VIDEO: Man Tasered To Death Due Partially to Language Barrier, my favorite website, ever, posted something that definitely doesn't fit their tag-line of "A Directory of Wonderful Things."
Remember in the taser post I mentioned a foreign man killed in a Canadian airport by taser-happy cops? Well, this video provides better context.
It is causing an uproar on that blog, with many people saying that boingboingwent too far - claiming it's a "snuff film."
But according to police reports, he didn't die until after the incident- so you might not actually be watching him die. You might just be watching him lose consciousness in a short journey to a place that he goes through quickly to get to death.
I can barely watch it. But it's important to, as an impartial observer, it is a valuable piece of footage.
But it brings up a good point that I didn't know before- he DOES look threatening with that chair, there. Maybe the taser was the best choice?
Regardless of the police's decision making, which is incredibly difficult to judge, it's a tragedy he had to die.
Tragic core hit: AGAIN! Yes. Ow.