Single Global Currency?

These guys are based on proving that it's a great idea. Creepiest web site I've read. Aum. Ever?
"This is the home page of the Single Global Currency Association, which is dedicated to the goal of implementing a single global currency by 2025. We shall achieve this goal through education and persuasion.
We believe that once the peoples (including their corporations and labor and other organizations) of the world understand the benefits of a single global currency, they will demand it from their governments. The single global currency is what the peoples of the world need, and it is what they want."
Good thing this web site is around to tell us, the world, what it is that we want! Thank goodness.
Here's the thing, though. Most of their "latest news" shows failure. Most of the news on there is just their own operatives talking about how awesome this idea is, to themselves, or on the internet.
They were rejected by the IMF, multiple times. The IMF is kinda important. Let's hope they continue to reject them.
The only recent, serious economic conference they seemed to be accepted at was the The Global Accounting and Organizational Change Conference in Australia. How important is it? Anyone out there know enough about economics to judge how big an accomplishment that is?
I've been hearing rumors that it's going to happen, but I wouldn't bet on it, judging by this site. Really sounds like an uphill battle. BUT, the main advantage to the plan is it being cheaper to do international business (converting between currencies is costly.) So it's an uphill battle, in the name of cheapness, amongst a bunch of economists and businessmen.
Well, economists and businessmen who may have strong senses of national identity.
The people on Longbets, an entertaining site for intelligent future-obsessees, would seem to agree with me.